Stories of Hope, Unity and Transformation

From the Editor

Tuesday Thoughts: The Wife of Noble Character

With Mother's Day fast approaching One Voice will be offering some devotionals about God's gift to Man, the Woman.   How should a woman be especially when she becomes a wife and a mother?   Psalms 31: 10 - 31 (NIV) Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character...

Latest Stories
A Job, Please—But Not on Sundays, Lord! (PART 2)

A Job, Please—But Not on Sundays, Lord! (PART 2)

The Story of Isabel Villegas As told to Janina Marie Rivera The next day, I took care to dress well, fix my hair, and apply make-up on my face. I went to my job interview. My potential employer looked so simple. She had no make-up on and no jewelry. She bluntly asked,...

A Job, Please—But Not on Sundays, Lord! (PART 1)

A Job, Please—But Not on Sundays, Lord! (PART 1)

The Story of Isabel Grace Villegas As told to Janina Marie Rivera A House Maid in Europe I knelt on the bathroom floor, tears flowing from my eyes. "Lord, hindi ako tamad na estudyante. Nag-aral po ako ng mabuti. Do I deserve this?" I didn't know I was being watched...

The Princess & the Mud

The Princess & the Mud

“You’re so weird!” My classmate blurted at me. Her friend shushed her. “You’re so mean.”  The words didn’t stop my classmate from giggling. I stood before them with a plastic smile on my face. Play it cool, I told myself. My steps shuffled away from their snickers and...

Lifting the Gates of Samar

Lifting the Gates of Samar

The WhatMag-One Voice Magazine trip to Samar was a blessing on so many levels. First, it was the first outreach since One Voice stopped operations two years ago. Second, the outreach was held in a province rich with historical significance for the Philippines. Third,...

Our God is an Awesome God

Our God is an Awesome God

Our LIFT-B.A.B.I.E.S. Foundation Inc. ministry is our way of thanking and giving back to our Lord, who has answered all our prayers and continues to do so. Our first grandchild, Jeremaia Tabitha Eunice Matubis, was born in March 2, 1999 with a rare liver disease...

God’s Big Backyard

God’s Big Backyard

Usually a backyard is where tattered, discarded, and forgotten possessions are placed. We keep these things behind the house to remove the eyesore in our homes. Similarly, some of our youth today have been deemed unimportant just like the things that have been thrown...

The Soldiers’ Tale

I will never complain about a bad day at work ever in my life again. At least not until I join the army. To compare your worst day at work with their worst day at work is just unbelievable. Everyone has bad days, but if you happen to be part of the Armed Forces of the...

Partner’s Corner

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