Whatmag Inc. is composed of young professionals from different churches. They come from diverse backgrounds such as the academe, advertising, theater, dance, medicine, finance, writing, and social work. They are passionate about God, life, people, and culture.
The Magazine
One Voice Magazine is a Christian youth magazine that seeks to be a voice of Godly passion in this so-what generation asking What am I here for? Who am I? What is life, really? What is knowing God all about? Is Christianity boring? Do I have what it takes?
One Voice Magazine is full of real-life stories of people seeking God and God loving them; of articles, poems and pictures that say, “I am human!”. One Voice Magazine also features different ministries/outreaches/volunteer work that promote hope, unity, and transformation. It is media giving people a glimpse into a Christianity that has meaning in this present generation.
The Outreaches
WhatMag Inc. has an outreach arm, which is the outlet of One Voice Magazine volunteers to live what they write. The only way writers, photographers, editors, and page designers can accurately describe their community is to engage it. The people in One Voice Magazine show what real relationships are by connecting to local government units, non-government organizations, the military, the Church, schools, barangays, and other community groups, finding out how best to serve them. This allows Christianity to be meaningful to the people and institutions around them.
Why We Speak
Vision – young people impacting their cities, nations, and continents because they are transformed by stories, including their own sotry with God.
Mission – to create and publish stories of hope, unity, and transformation so that people become passionate to love God, serve others, and impact their cities, nations, and continents
Who Listens to Us?
Young adults who have lingering and meaningful questions. Some are working eight hour jobs; some are not. Some have graduated from school. Some are working; some are not. Some are doing transformational work in government agencies and barangays; some have no idea if they should be involved in such things. What is common in these people is their passion to ask questions like: “What else is there to do in life?” “What am I here for?” “What is real Christianity?” “What now?” This market is constantly aware of Facebook, the latest phones and computers, current music, good food, cool movies, proper health, fashion trends, great hang-outs, career tips, and anything that can build their identity as individuals navigating their place in the world. They are a market that longs to BE SOMEONE; a market that also longs to BE PART of SOMETHING BIGGER THAN THEMSELVES.
Core Values
- Transformation
- Unity
- Hope
- Relationships
- Community
- Consecration
- Integrity
- Prayer
- Honor
Tag Line: Stories of Hope, Unity, and Transformation
Classification of One Voice Magazine: Online Christian Magazine
Language: English and Filipino
Age: 25-34
Readership: Female and Male
Frequency: Weekly Website Updates
Current Office: 114 Barcelona St., Northwest, BF Homes, Paranaque
Website: http://onevoicemagazine.com
Email Address: info@onevoicemagazine.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onevoicemagazine
Twitter: https://twitter.com/whatmaginc
Intagram: https://instagram.com/onevoicemagazine
Youtube: https://youtube.com/whatmaginc