Faith over Fear

Faith over Fear

Faith over Fear By Jemilie Arboleda Nacino With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s so easy to lose heart and forget the faithfulness of God. It’s truly a terrifying and tough time to live, more so since I am pregnant. I get moments of discouragement and of being...
Things You Can Do While on Quarantine

Things You Can Do While on Quarantine

Things You Can Do While on Quarantine Igy Zafe For some people, staying home during this quarantine period can be a form of rest. For the others who are working, this is the much-coveted opportunity to work from home. For the young people and even the young “once” or...
While I Wait for My Dreams

While I Wait for My Dreams

When Dreams Are Galaxies I see it in my head. The night sky expands above me. Infinite. Vast. Unknown, yet altogether familiar. Galaxies stretch in dazzling colors. Burning auburns fleck with comets. Hazy pinks and purples crown with stars like diamonds. Thunderous...
Dreams: the Mind’s Place of Journey & Rest

Dreams: the Mind’s Place of Journey & Rest

If you think you’ve completely lost the creativity you had during childhood, your dreams prove otherwise. In dreams, you journey to distant or strange places and create amazing stories, most of which you forget in the morning. When you dream, you do things you would...
The God of Infinite Chances

The God of Infinite Chances

I. There he is again. The guilt settles on his shoulders like snakes with weights, coiling around him, pulling him down deeper. He sinks into the quicksand of his own self-abasement and abandons the thought of change. He did it again—looped another porn video; broke...
The Deal with Singlehood

The Deal with Singlehood

Valentine’s Day. We know it as the day of hearts. Love Day. For some single people, it has become  SINGLE AWARENESS DAY. For other single people, it is THANK YOU, LORD, I’M SINGLE! Day. You heard me right. First, let’s strengthen this fact: being SINGLE doesn’t mean...