Should My Parents Be Involved in My Romance?

Should My Parents Be Involved in My Romance?

There I was– broken again; my eyes puffy from another hard lesson of the heart. It was time to let go of someone who, in my opinion, was the best potential man I could ever have a relationship with. By then, I had met a good number of young men—crushes in high...
What Dog Collars Taught Me About God’s Love

What Dog Collars Taught Me About God’s Love

DOG LOVERS WILL UNDERSTAND THIS It’s hard not to love dogs. How can someone not love a bunch of warm, living stuffed “toys” you could hug all day?  What’s not to love about their goofy smiles, ecstatic tails, and unconditional love?   Their eyes focus on you and only...
Selflessness and Pizza

Selflessness and Pizza

My Kuya, the Selfless Sibling “Kuya, can I trade with you? Two of my garlic and cheese pizza slices, for one slice of yours.” I watched as my older brother, Paolo, scratched his head and looked wistfully at his beloved slice. It was full of meat, onions, ham, and...
Life of Jay – Lesson #4 – Being Part of a Family

Life of Jay – Lesson #4 – Being Part of a Family

Sometimes our uniqueness will emphasize our differences. But no matter how different we are, we’ll always be part of a family. “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians...
Prodigal Son

Prodigal Son

The pigs aren’t his family. But he smells like a pig, is as filthy as a pig, and worse, eats like a pig. No, he doesn’t eat like some gluttonous swine, but he dines with them as if they share a table. Today’s menu is slightly out of routine:  moldy leftovers and this...