Nov 3, 2020 | Partner's Corner
No hugs on Sunday morning. No joint meal with your Bible Study group. Many Christians around the world are now isolated because of the coronavirus. For the Iranian church, isolation is nothing new. Former prisoner for his faith, Pastor Wahid, shares three tips on how...
Oct 30, 2020 | Partner's Corner
“I knelt down and prayed, ‘Lord, don’t let me fail. You are my portion.’ Not even my relatives helped me, only God did. He stands with the deprived and underprivileged ones. And here is my house. Blessed be the name of the Lord. I also thank all of you that have...
Oct 28, 2020 | Climate Change
Oct 26, 2020 | Partner's Corner
“Lord don’t let me fail. You are my portion.” An unimposing woman exits the mud hut to greet us. Hiwot is a petite woman, modestly dressed. She wears a long skirt and uses one scarf to cover her shoulders, and another for her head. Hiwot kindly welcomes us into her...
Oct 21, 2020 | Alabaster Jar
This article was previously published on Sept 9, 2019, under One Voice Magazine’s thematic series on DREAMS. We re-publish it today because it aligns with our TRUST series this trimester. Enjoy reading! MY WEDDING BUSINESS I love weddings. As a young girl, I...