Urgent Appeal for Ukrainian Aliyah

Urgent Appeal for Ukrainian Aliyah

The evacuation of refugees happening in Ukraine right now is massive. This article give us a glimpse of what’s happening and how ICEJ is working to help in the crisis. One Voice Magazine is in partnership with ICEJ-Philippines and is currently launching a...
Hope After the Storm (Part 1)

Hope After the Storm (Part 1)

I woke up to the sounds of busy streets and happy noises from children playing. I checked my phone with eyes half-open to see what time it was. It was 2:00 p.m., no wonder I felt hungry. A couple of months had passed since Typhoon Odette “Rai” struck Cebu, but the...
U-Care for Ukraine

U-Care for Ukraine

One Voice Magazine, in partnership with ICEJ Philippines, would like to invite you to take part in rescue efforts being done in Ukraine, spearheaded by the International Christian Embassy. You can do this in two ways: 1) Send short messages of HOPE and CARE to...
Forgiving My Father

Forgiving My Father

Contented in a Christian family I grew up in a Christian household. I have two older siblings, making me the youngest. My mother was an employee of FDA (which was called BFAD during her time), while my father was an OFW in Saudi Arabia. Due to the nature of my...