Home Is Where the Heart Is

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Home Is Where the Heart Is We’ve embraced a LOT of home due to the lockdowns. And I mean a lot—from doing more chores around the house, annoying our siblings, and adding inches around the waist! Lockdown after lockdown after lockdown, with the COVID-19 virus mutating...
Moving Forward

Moving Forward

A New Season for One Voice Magazine One Voice Magazine is in a beautiful season of fruitfulness this first trimester of 2021. We continue our Internet radio broadcasts with UCAP Radio, release weekly stories on our website, and share almost-daily memes on our Facebook...
Living in the Palm of His Hands

Living in the Palm of His Hands

Living in the Palm of His Hands: a Glimpse into the Story & Music of Felson Palad and Sheena Palad Soaring. If there is one word to describe In the Palm of His Hands, it is that. The amazing vocals of the brother-sister duo, Felson Palad and Sheena Palad, lift...