Huddled together in fervent prayer during one of their regular meetings, Lim Tow Soon suddenly saw in his vision the word “Jacob.”
He and his cell group/ Bible study group were praying for quite some time already, seeking God’s counsel on what name they were going to use for the evangelistic café they were dreaming of. Upon seeing the vision, Lim knew that this was it! Thus, they named the cafe Jacob’s Café.

Jacob’s Café is located in Changi Village, Singapore.
“Why are you closed on Sundays?” ask most of their customers.
“Well, we work six days a week but on the Sabbath, we close our shop,” Lim usually answers.
“Don’t you think Sunday’s a good day to open your shop because that’s when you get more customers?” they ask, baffled by his answer.
This basic query turns out to be one of the avenues for Lim to share his faith. Lim recalls how he would tell his customers the story of the Israelites— how, when they were wandering in the desert, God would give them enough manna the day before the Sabbath so that they could fully rest the next day (Exodus 16:23-25). Lim would then go on and tell his customers more about his faith. He would speak about trusting in the Lord who provides for his and the café’s needs.
Apart from sharing the Word of God, Jacob’s Café also experienced miracles. One of Lim’s most memorable experiences was when God confirmed His Word with signs and wonders.* There was one instance when a lady in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down, visited their café. According to Lim, he asked the lady if he could pray for her, and the lady consented. Afterward, the lady walked out of the café completely healed.
The dream to run Jacob’s Cafe’ was not primarily to earn profit, although money came as a result of the work. The primary goal Lim had was to spend more time in fellowship with God and to create a platform where he could share Jesus Christ freely. He has been to China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other countries to preach the Gospel. All this was possible because Jacob’s café helped fund his mission trips.
There are times when God calls us to the place of our excellence, to the place of our passion. He calls us to fulfill our dreams, while also pursuing His heart. There are times that God does require us to leave our workplaces, but there are also times where God promotes us further into where He plants us to expand His kingdom strategically.
To serve God may require us to sacrifice the things that we love, but most often, serving God is a call to be excellent in the things that we do love. Just like Lim Tow Soon, you can serve God in whatever platform you are in right now. If you’re a writer, then write for God. If you’re a dancer, then dance for God. If you’re a dreamer, then dream for God.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)
*Mark 16:20 tells us that signs and wonders can accompany those who preach the Word of God.

Joyce Anne Geronimo
A jittery writer who wrestles away
the fear of what others may say.
I yearn to explode like fireworks lighting the midnight sky
To color the monotonous air with lines and rhyme.
I trace the trail to forever and a day…