Greetings to all! Int’l. Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Israel, is having a 72-hour “Rosh Hashanah” global prayer meeting from Sept. 17 (Thurs.) to Sept 20 (Sun.) with around 40-50 countries involved, including the Philippines. Please join our slot which is on Sept. 18 (Friday) from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Youth Slot) and 8:00-9:00 p.m. (Leaders’ Slot), to sound the trumpet of prayer for Israel, the Philippines, the Church and the world!
“Rosh Hashanah” (Heb. “head of the year”) is a celebration of a Jewish New Year also known biblically as the Feast Of Trumpets (Lev. 23:23-24; Num. 29:1.) It is a memorial of the Day of Trumpet (Shofar/Ram’s horn) Blasts! In Hebrew it is known as “Yom Teruah.”
1. It is a trumpet call for celebration of the new year: the creation of the world; being a new creation in Christ and renewal of life in Jesus.
2. A trumpet call for repentance…a time of reflection, confession & renunciation of sinfulness
3. A trumpet call for revival… A wake-up call…” (“Wake up O sleeper…” Eph. 5:14)
4. A trumpet call to attention to be God’s army of intercessors (for prayer in spiritual warfare…Numbers 10:9)
5. A trumpet call to await the coming of the of the Lord, the King of Kings and the final judgment! (Joel 2:1; 1Thes.4:16)
So come sound the trumpet blasts of prayer with us on Sept 18 (Friday) from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. as we represent the Philippines in this global prayer meeting straight from Jerusalem to the glory of God in Jesus’ name!

Steve Mirpuri
Rev. Steve Mirpuri pioneered the Ministries of the Living Body of Christ Church where he was the Senior Pastor for 20 years. He is currently the Philippine National Coordinator of Ayude For A New Day, Belgium, which is a ministry to needy children and families in the Phil. He is the Philippine National Representative of Burnham Ministries International (Mentorship Ministries) and the Philippine National Director of International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (Phil. Chapter).