Breakthrough. What part of your life do you need breakthrough in right now? For me, I’d love some breakthroughs in my relationships. I’d love some breakthroughs in my work projects. I’d love some breakthroughs in my health. And by God’s grace, I’ve been seeing some. But it’s not coming as quickly as I had hoped it would.

Do you relate? Do you sometimes feel that breakthrough is impossible? Or that your efforts are useless?

Breakthrough takes a lot of work. It doesn’t happen on its own. Sometimes, that work is seeing doctor after doctor, sitting through argument after argument, or pitching proposal after proposal. Sometimes, that work is simply crying out to God in prayer, asking Him to bring breakthrough since you can’t do it on your own.

But what happens when breakthrough doesn’t come? When you’ve been up night after night, when you’re exhausted and you don’t have any more ideas to try? It can be discouraging and frustrating. It can feel like you’ve failed.

We Need To Fight For Breakthrough

I want to encourage you to hang in there. When breakthrough is slow or it seems nonexistent, keep fighting for it. Just because we don’t see the fruit of our efforts doesn’t mean fruit isn’t there.

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

I recently saw this in my own life when I started volunteering as a youth ministry leader in our area. After the first six months, I was a little discouraged. I had tried over and over again to connect with the girls I discipled, but I couldn’t seem to make it past fluff conversation. Had I really made an impact on them? Would they even remember me after winter break?

After a few months off, we hosted an event, and I was so pleasantly surprised when my girls were excited to see me again. I hadn’t thought I’d made any progress. But over the next few months, God allowed me to have some deep, spiritual conversations with them and to build the start of a real discipleship relationship.

I had been thinking that I hadn’t made any progress or impact, but that wasn’t true — I just couldn’t see it at the time! The same is so often true in every ministry situation or even in other areas of life. It might feel like you’re pouring so much time, effort, and energy into something without it making any dent. As if all your effort floated away into outer space.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

Persistence Will Bear Fruit

But just because you can’t see the fruit and results doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Sometimes, the breakthrough you’re working towards won’t actually occur. Likely, it will look very different compared to what you anticipated. However, God will not waste your faithfulness and your obedience is not in vain.

So Christian, don’t give up! God hasn’t given up, and He will complete the good work He has begun in you and your life. God is not finished with you, nor with whatever situation in your life needing breakthrough. Hang in there, and let Him fight for you. The best breakthrough comes from God. Exodus 14:14 says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Your breakthrough isn’t impossible. The battle isn’t over.

S. G. Willoughby

S. G. Willoughby is the author of He’s Making Diamonds:A Teen’s Thoughts on Faith Through Chronic Illness and the host of the Diamonds conference. She loves to write and have adventures. Sara is a TCK, a Lymie, and a Young Life leader. You can find her at