“Christ Is”— Not Crisis
By Pastor Carmelo Pituc
I want to share a personal experience that happened to me on March 17, 2020, in a drugstore located in Pasig City. This pharmacy implemented social distancing, so while I was outside waiting in line for my turn, the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart to pray for the pharmacy staff and their operations.
When my turn came to be served, the manager of the pharmacy attended to me, and I—having been prompted by the Holy Spirit— asked her if I could pray for them. Without mentioning the church I lead, I followed up my request by telling her that I was a pastor.
She smiled and said something like, “Opo, Sir. Kanina nga, muntik na akong di makapasok dahil pahirapan sa pagsakay. Kailangan din kasi tuloy-tuloy para sa pangangailangan ng mga tao.”
After I completed my transaction, I prayed loudly in Tagalog as the rest of the customers listened. I closed the prayer with: “Sa makapangyarihang Pangalan ng aming Panginoon Hesu Kristo, Amen.” Everyone in the store smiled. I then waved good-bye to everyone and declared, “God bless.”
I am sharing this story to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ, especially my fellow pastors and servant leaders. Let us make use of the situation that we have now as an opportunity for Christ to be made known, particularly when we have a valid reason to go out of our homes as permitted by the government. We need to act as one Body in Christ. Regardless of the local church where we serve, we should be pushing one agenda only—that of Christ and His Gospel.
People are grappling to find hope at this time. We need to get our message about Christ across, not only through words, but also through action by the grace of God. Not only in season, but also out of season. Not only in spirit, but also physically if possible. Not only through online means, but also through tangible opportunities that the Holy Spirit opens for us.
In Christ, we are the salt and light of the world. As light, we were made to shine brightest in deep darkness. As the salt of the earth, we were made to give the right taste in the midst of bitterness; to enforce preservation amidst seeming deterioration.
As I shared last Sunday through the online streaming of the church I serve, “Christ is—not crisis,” I declared that Christ is the One Who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and not this COVID-19 crisis.
While Covid-19 is indeed a crisis threatening the whole world, it is but a tiny speck in the hands of the Almighty God.
Let us inspire our fellow Christians to cover more areas for Christ and the Gospel. This can be done all by God’s grace for His glory.

Pastor Carmelo Pituc
Pastor Carmelo Pituc wants to be introduced first as a family man. He has been married for 14 years to Pia and is the father of one daughter, Charissa. He became a Christian in 1991 and is currently the Senior Pastor of Reign in Life Church, located in Pasig City.