Adoption: Embracing the Story of the Gospel
God’s View of Family Our concept of family used to be simple: get married, have kids, raise them up well, and you’re done. Isn’t that our typical picture? A husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, and maybe some pets in the mix? What we didn’t expect was that God had...
When God Goes Before You: the Story of LTC Ronie Torres Ebarita PART 2
PART 2 “What if he has a knife and stabs me? He still held his M14 rifle pressed between our bodies. What if he fires it?” As these thoughts raced through my mind, I heard the same voice earlier say, “May baril ka!” (You have a gun!). LtCol. Ebarita, who was then an...
When God Goes Before You: the Story of LTC Ronie Torres Ebarita Part 1
Childhood My six siblings and I grew up in a farming family, in the humble town of Pamplona, Negros Oriental. My parents were ordinary individuals in the community, but they were well-respected because of their character and integrity—virtues they wanted us to...
The Second Time Around
A Prodigal Daughter I was nurtured by a loving Christian Family. I was raised with the conscious knowledge of who God is and trained to live right in my younger years. Although I was blessed with so much love and care and was fed by concepts about the Lord, still, I...