From Drugs to Riches (Part 2)
The Road to Recovery After my father’s death, my family agreed to send me to a rehabilitation center. I said yes. I thought I was going to Cebu for this, but I ended up in Antipolo. My family booked round trip tickets for themselves, not for me. I felt they really...
From Drugs to Riches (Part 1)
Young and Craving for Freedom I was a captive to drugs for more than 10 years. I had my first taste of marijuana when I was 11 years old. I gave in because of peer pressure. At first, I did not like it because it made me dizzy, but I eventually liked it because it...
How to Cope with Distance Learning
What comes into your mind upon hearing the word “pandemic”? As a student, this means transitioning into a new, unusual, and challenging mode of learning. Instead of having face-to-face classes with my favorite Statistics and Calculus professors, or hanging around with...
Watching Vision Unfold Part 2
Without vision, the people perish. Without vision, I live aimlessly. God leaves us clues. These clues may be key experiences, key dreams, key thoughts. Life clues turn into key words. The key words form a mission statement. The mission statement becomes a life...