As a musical evangelist living in a foreign land, I composed “Pain is a Victory Song” while I was living in the United States. The song reflects the verses of Joshua 1:7-9; particularly the phrase, “be strong and be courageous.” In these verses, the LORD was able to emphasize how to overcome fear and how to overcome depression and circumstances in life.
I came to the United States in May 2017 to be a gospel missionary in music because I felt God’s call on me through the ministry of the Upper Room Presents. My younger sister, Sheena, originally came with me and was supposed to stay in the States as a student, but God gave her different plans and brought her back to the Philippines.
Suddenly, I felt alone in a foreign land. Though the Lord allowed me to stay in the very beautiful and godly home of Ron and Kathy Strand (whom I considered my parents, and their daughters Taylor, Rhyan, and Lauren as my sisters) I could not deny that I had experienced some emotional and hard moments in my life.
I had no immediate relative in the United States, so I was by myself with only a few dollars in my pocket. Feeling this sense of loneliness, all my fears and insecurities began to surface. I was always very proficient and fluent in English, but I found myself struggling to speak the language. I would often stutter, failing to express myself. I felt so frustrated whenever I talked with people. From time to time, I would cry for no apparent reason. I didn’t want to leave my room. My appetite was gone. I was losing weight and would dream of home. I posted pictures of myself, happy on my social media platforms.
But I was really very sad and lonely. I began to question my calling and asked God whether He really called me to this place and this ministry. I told myself, “This is it! I think I am experiencing it… depression.” It’s an inner pain that makes you think “no one understands me.” However, that was a lie.
Once I recognized what was happening, I made the determination not to allow myself to succumb to it. In prayer, I prostrated myself and became very honest with God. I cried out, “LORD I am not strong! I am afraid! I feel weak with a void and an ache in my heart.”
I clung to the Lord alone through prayer, worship, and devotions. Whenever I felt sadness, I prayed right away. I soaked myself in worship and filled myself with the Word of God. I did this even when it didn’t make sense. “It will make sense later on,” I told myself.
Then one day, I came across Joshua 1:7-9: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
In this scripture, God taught Joshua to be honest with his feelings to Him—to be confident in expressing his heart’s situation. The enemy will always use our emotions and our forgetfulness so that we do not fulfill our purpose in life. I realized that just like Joshua, God called me to conquer unknown places. And where He calls, He provides His word of encouragement and empowerment. A song began to rise within me, and so I wrote, “Pain is a Victory Song.”
I strongly believe that the only way to overcome life’s challenges, especially depression, is through the Word of God. Sadly, nowadays, people would rather be on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media than be in prayer or be in church. This generation would rather listen to music than read the Bible. In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us to be the salt and light of the world. These words give me the encouragement to use every tool, skill, and talent that I have, to make this generation aware that the Word of God is strong and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword.
My goal in writing and producing songs is not for me to be popular or to be in the spotlight of stardom, but rather to be a vehicle of hope and a channel of the LORD’s message: “Repent and believe in Jesus.” Salvation is available through Jesus Christ. We cannot save ourselves from the evil of this world. We need a Savior – JESUS CHRIST.
He is here, if we just call out to Him.
If there is an important lesson I learned in this journey as a missionary in a foreign land, it is this: allow yourself to be vulnerable with God. Cry if you must because that pain and hardship will soon be over. Pain is not permanent. Psalm 30:5 tells us, “Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning.”
Be brave, be strong, the storm is not for long.
Your pain will turn to a victory song if you hold on.
Pain is a Victory Song
Verse 1
You’ve been crushed
Never know where to go
Can’t find strength
Loosing everyone you knowPre-chorus
Hold on to your faith
It’s never too late
Keep on believin’
Keep on trusting him
There’s HopeChorus
Be strong
Be brave
The storm is not for long
Be strong
Be brave
Pain is a victory song
Don’t give up
Don’t give up
Pain is a victory songRap
He said living is dying
And dying is living,
This world is deceiving, lying, and killing
Let’s not be hating
Not stopping but praying, repenting
That keeps us from fallin’ but winnin’ and loving, winnin’ and loving
Jesus is comingPre chorus
Hold on to your faith
It’s never too late
Keep on believin’
Keep on trusting him
There’s HopeRepeat Chorus

Felson Palad
Felson Palad is a resident artist at The Upper Room. His love for singing began when he was a child as he would sing to his mother to help her wind down at the end of the day. Now he performs in different parts of the world to various groups, encouraging and building others up in the faith of the gospel of Christ. Felson is a gifted singer in the genres of Pop, R&B, and Gospel music. So far, he has one album called In The Palm of His Hand, which he recorded along with his sister Sheena. He is presently working on a second solo gospel album which will be released in April, 2019. Felson has been involved in directing and performing in concerts for various ministries throughout the years such as Brand-New Day, Music for Life, Home of Joy Orphanage, and the We Exalt You Jesus Foundation. He is currently helping at the South Pasadena Christian Church as a part-time worship leader. Felson has always had a heart for working with the youth, and it is his prayer to use his musical abilities to evangelize and build up the body of Christ. The Upper Room is happy to endorse Felson’s giftedness as he continues to use his passion for music to bless and encourage those who hear him.
A beautifully written article, he is so completely open and honest, speaking from the heart what so many feel but keep bottled up. Felson shares his pain and encourages all of us to be brave and strong. There is Victory in the name of Jesus Christ.