One Voice Magazine Gains

We’ve entered the month of July, and it feels great to see One Voice Magazine gaining ground. Bookstores in the metro, such as National Bookstore and Fully Booked, have copies of the magazine in multiple branches, ready for buyers (see full bookstore list here: Online shops, Lazada and Shopee, also carry the magazine, making purchases extremely convenient. Here are their links:



Some youth groups and friends of One Voice have been selling Gising Na, Pilipinas! in their spheres, allowing the magazine to circulate in Mindanao and in the Ilocos region. Collaborations with our partners are taking place, too, allowing us an exciting time to strengthen bridges, expand, and wait. 

The invitation to pen the stories that God is writing in our personal lives and in the nation is loud and clear. We continue to ask for your testimonies of God’s goodness and transformation toward you and in your cities. You can email your stories to us at


Our Land and Our People

Despite the aggression of China in the West Philippine Sea and the resignations and power plays in our government, we can trust that God is still working behind the scenes. He is capable of working in the intimate levels of the heart, but He is also powerful enough to move and address our national concerns and security. We can trust Him and continue praying. 

I am reminded of these two verses in 2 Chronicles:

“Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.” – 2 Chronicles 14:11

 “When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

There will always be a relationship between the land, its people, and the righteousness or wickedness in that land—whether we are aware of this or not. The earth was made to worship the Lord (see Psalm 96), so when wickedness happens, the earth groans for what should be. 

It is as if the earth asks: Where is righteousness? Where is peace? Where are the people whom God has raised to champion righteousness and peace? Where are His sons and daughters?

Sons and daughters—we are invited to bend our knees and intercede for our land. It cannot be a one-time, one-seminar, one-conference, one-magazine sort of thing. No, there is a humility of heart that says, “God, we cannot do this by ourselves. We need you. Heal this nation because we cannot heal ourselves! Protect this nation because we cannot protect ourselves!”

How many of us are willing to tarry before the presence of God in prayer, even if we are alone in our rooms, unseen by social media? Are we willing to ask God for the nation? How much do we want to see Him and His righteousness operating in our nation? Are we willing to discipline ourselves to be that royal priesthood who intercedes for our people? 

And when God says, “Go! Let your tears now turn into the sweat of dominion,” are we willing to say YES?

The harvest of souls is great, and our Father is looking for those willing to pay the price. It is my prayer that One Voice faithfully works in the harvest field! 


One Voice Radio

In this month of July, One Voice Radio will undergo a restructuring. Like with movements that ebb and flow, we make room for what God is doing in the team and in our personal lives. We also seek to be most effective in this new season while doing other assignments that God has placed in front of us. Rest assured, you will still see One Voice Radio in August, but with a different format and schedule. 


Jesus Among the Marginalized

The second half of the year has a new theme: Jesus Among the Marginalized. This is a theme I am excited about. One Voice Magazine has always been passionate about giving a voice to the voiceless, exploring the hearts and situations of those whom society forgets: those in prison, those who beg in the streets, those who hide in a dark corner because of trauma, abuse, war, or rape. May God continue raising up people and ministries that deal with the marginalized! 

In the past, One Voice would conduct outreaches with already-established movements or ministries that served in a marginalized sector. Sometimes we would initiate our own outreach, but more often than not, we’d work with those on direct assignment from God for certain groups. It has always been a part of our DNA to acquaint ourselves with situations in these target sectors and to write about what God is doing among the people there. We hope to do the same in this second half of the year. 

As the months roll, join us as we continue to write and live and pray. If you are blessed by what we do, you can support us financially by pressing the DONATE button on our website. You can also buy a copy of the magazine to tell people about Jesus! 

Join us as we keep the fire of God’s love burning in His story of our lives!


One with you in this journey called life,

Janina Marie Rivera

Editor-in-Chief, One Voice Magazine 

Janina Marie Rivera is the author of the book, A Night Bird Sings of Blindness and Fear and has co-authored the devotional, Dawns, published by OMF Literature. She is a contributing poet in the books Joyful Light and Whitmanthology: on Loss and Grief by Various Authors. She is the Editor-in-Chief of One Voice Magazine.