Benita used to make fun of the house church in her community—until it was the only place she could turn to.

Benita* is from a stilt house community in the Southern Philippines. We can’t tell you exactly where she lives—her story could put her in danger.

Why? Because she follows Jesus—and left Islam to do so.

Benita was a devout Muslim, living with her husband and children in their village. They lived close to a Christian couple, Rosa* and Henry.* Rosa and Henry’s faith in Jesus was evident to all—in fact, the couple hosted a house church. The surrounding community, mostly Muslim, mocked and oppressed the Christian couple, but still, they pressed on.

Like all Muslims, Benita believed Jesus was a prophet—Isa al-Masih is His Arabic name in the Quran. But she also believed He was no more than a prophet, and joined in her neighbors and community in their mistreatment of Rosa and Henry.

One day, however, Benita fell terribly sick. She had a high fever and developed boils on her body. She sought treatment at the public hospital, but the cost was expensive, and she didn’t receive satisfactory care or attention. So she turned to local folk religion leaders who practice witchcraft.

But her heart sank when they revealed the exorbitant cost for their services. Crushed and desperate, Benita mustered the courage to seek help from the one place she never thought she would: Rosa and Henry. Tearfully, she confided to Rosa, saying: “I never thought I’d end up here, but I have no one else to turn to. My husband and kids need me.”

And that’s when Jesus rescued Benita.


A Glimmer of Hope

With compassion, Rosa urged her to believe in Jesus, assuring her that only He could heal her. It was a tough pill to swallow for someone who once despised the idea of worshiping Jesus. But she knew she had no other options and decided to put aside her pride.

With trembling lips, she called on Jesus’ name, praying for healing and deliverance. In that vulnerable moment, she felt an unexplainable peace wash over her, as if Jesus were right there, embracing her with love and acceptance. She says she realized, perhaps for the first time, that she was not alone—and a glimmer of hope began to flicker in her heart.

Overwhelmed by the weight of her illness and the doubts she had carried for so long, Benita tearfully whispered: “I never thought I could do this, but I’ll trust you, Jesus. Please heal me.”

In that simple prayer, Benita felt a stirring in her soul, as if a burden she didn’t even know she was carrying had been lifted. It was as if Jesus’ love wrapped around her, embracing her brokenness, and offering hope and peace she had never known before.

In that moment, Benita felt a newfound connection with the house church she once hated, realizing that their faith in Jesus was not in vain. For the first time, she dared to believe that there was more to this life than she had ever imagined, and it all centered around this man Jesus—she now knew He was much more than a prophet.

Breaking Down Walls

And then, the impossible happened—a day later, Benita opened her eyes to find her sickness gone! Overwhelmed by the miracle, she could hardly believe what had happened to her. The same house church she had ridiculed and persecuted had helped her find a Savior who had saved her life. In that moment, a spark of faith ignited in her heart, and she knew she had found something she never knew she needed.

The miraculous healing broke down the walls around Benita’s heart, and she surrendered her life, doubts and animosity to Christ. This newfound faith didn’t just change her—it transformed her entire family. “I never thought I’d say this, but Jesus healed me, and He saved us all,” she says, through tears. “My family and I now believe in Him wholeheartedly.”

Since the family’s conversion, they have been diligently attending house church gatherings every week. However, they now face criticism for their change of heart and are labeled as traitors by their neighbors.

Benita’s spiritual journey is just starting. But through Rosa’s house church, she was able to receive help from Open Doors. Thanks to your support to Open Doors, she is receiving the essential resources and assistance in her walk with Christ through Open Doors’ discipleship program for believers from a Muslim background.

This program has been crucial in helping Benita and her family navigate the challenges and joys of their newfound faith. “Since I welcomed Christ into my life, I’ve not only experienced healing but also found a new family,” Benita says. “I’m grateful to God for the discipleship I’ve been receiving. It has been instrumental in strengthening my newfound faith.”

*Name changed due to security reasons. Although the photos of this article are from Open Doors Philippines, these are not directly related to the people in this story, nor do they point to the exact location of Benita. 

Open Doors

Open Doors is a ministry serving Persecuted Christians worldwide. We help provide Bibles, trainings, literacy programs, livelihood support, and advocacy to Christians suffering for their faith in Jesus. For over 65 years, Open Doors has been standing side by side with the Persecuted Church to “strengthen what remains and is at the point of death”. (Revelation 3:2) For more of our work and how you can join us, please visit or our Facebook Page: Open Doors PH.