Home Is Where the Heart Is

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Home Is Where the Heart Is We’ve embraced a LOT of home due to the lockdowns. And I mean a lot—from doing more chores around the house, annoying our siblings, and adding inches around the waist! Lockdown after lockdown after lockdown, with the COVID-19 virus mutating...
When the Presence Was on Lockdown

When the Presence Was on Lockdown

Our Worship Journey Imagine yourself standing somewhere in the middle of an auditorium. You’re among dozens, maybe even hundreds, singing praises to God in one accord. A worship band is right on centerstage, leading the crowd in exuberant worship music. Colorful...
Does God Have A Say in This Pandemic?

Does God Have A Say in This Pandemic?

Causes for Severe World Events All too often, when extraordinarily severe events occur (whether it be in the present or historically), some of us temporarily become Deists to a certain degree. We become quick to attribute such severe events described as tragedies,...